Because being in business should give you life.


Because being in business should give you life.

What is Business Coaching?

Since 1993, ActionCOACH has served thousands of businesses and their owners around the world, in every category imaginable, by showing owners how to get more time, better teams in their companies and more money on their bottom-line.

When you work with a coach, they become your business mentor, advisor, and confidante. They hold you accountable and keep you focused on your goals and objectives. You will learn the easiest and fastest ways to get your business making more, and how to turn that cash into bottom-line profits.

You will get a new perspective on your business and use data to change your future trajectory. With a renewed passion for learning, you will gain mastery of new skills which will increase the performance of the organization.

You will gain access to the ActionCOACH library of proven processes and strategies, which have been pressure-tested over thousands of businesses.

Meet Coach Caitlin.

Caitlin Blundell, Certified Business Coach

Hi, I'm Coach Caitlin, and I work with business owners to build high value, high impact companies - companies that give them the ultimate freedom to scale up, sell, step back, or pass down.

As an award-winning ActionCOACH, my programs are designed to help you build a business that works for you, not just because of you. A business that delivers more revenue, more profit, and more free time. A business that recruits and retains outstanding employees. A business that will scale up without flaming out.

I will help you achieve more, using proven tools, methodologies and systems. I will hold you accountable for your results and, just like a sports coach, push you to perform at your very best.

Is that what you're looking for? Let's get started!



Best in Business / Career Training and Development

2023 Readers Choice Awards - Diamond Winner

Best Business Consulting Service

2023 Readers Choice Awards - Diamond Winner

Best in Business / Career Training and Development

2022 Readers Choice Awards - Diamond Winner

Best Business Consulting Service

2022 Readers Choice Awards - Platinum Winner

Readers' Choice 2021 Diamond Winner

Best Business Consulting Service

2021 Readers Choice Awards - Diamond Winner

GrowthCLUB Award

ActionCOACH 2021 North America Coach Conference

Krystyna B.

I left my coaching session with Caitlin with concrete strategies and a clear vision of how to build my business. She challenged me to set bold goals, develop measurable targets, and create a plan to achieve them. Caitlin is a dedicated coach, attentive listener, and excellent problem-solver. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or large business owner, Caitlin’s coaching is an invaluable asset for any business looking to grow.”

Worldwide Business Education

Proudly Partnered With B1G1 - Business For Good

B1G1’s mission is to create a world where giving is a part of everyday business and personal activity, enabling businesses to make a difference by turning regular operations into a catalyst for impact.

At ActionCOACH, our vision is to spread world abundance through business re-education. By teaming up with B1G1, we can multiply the impact of our local business education into a worldwide force of change.

We are proud to be a part of B1G1, and encourage you to join us on this journey towards creating a world full of giving. Check out the impact we've had so far!

Community Impact

Caitlin is a proud trainer in the Youth Entrepreneur Smart Start program from the ActionCOACH Foundation, where she assists young adults around the globe become employers, not employees.
The ActionCOACH Foundation is a global community of committed, seasoned and successful entrepreneurs who are inspiring young students and nonprofits to imagine and realize their wildest dreams with proven business education systems and strategies.

Young Entrepreneur Smart Start logo

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If you have a question, or you're not sure whether coaching is right for you... Please contact me directly to learn more.  

Call 647.557.3483, or fill out the form!

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